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Human Tissue Pharmacology


Preclinical and Drug Discovery CRO

REPROCELL Biopta’s human tissue technology predicts clinical success by using the closest possible model of drug behavior in humans.

Human tissue testing is a translational approach to drug discovery that bridges the gap between animal studies and clinical trials — increasing clinical success rates and adding commercial value to preclinical drug assets through proof of concept in patient-derived living tissues.

Contact our experts

Types of human tissue assay

This invaluable information allows you to make ‘go’ or ‘no-go’ decisions with greater confidence, based on human data generated in fresh biospecimens sourced from the target patient population or in bioengineered human tissues. Find out more about our human tissue assays.

Assay Catalog screen-capture January 2025

Drug discovery assay catalog

REPROCELL Biopta is home to the world’s first and largest human fresh tissue assay catalog. In this digital platform, you can filter our assays by tissue type, endpoint, receptor, platform technology, drug type, and more.

Browse our full catalog

Alvetex® bioengineered 3D tissue services

Complementing our fresh tissue assays by accurately recreating human biology in bioengineered tissues.

 Bioengineered 3D tissue models

ibdiscovery ibd intestine big data organ research
IBD model
03AUG20 Graphic showing xray lungs
IPF model
Whole Blood Processing Services07AUG20 full thickness skin epidermis dermis microscopy histology
Skin model
Neurite model

Why use human tissue in drug discovery? 

Managing risks and saving money

Human fresh tissue can be used to manage risk and save money across the entire drug discovery pipeline.

How we use human tissue in drug discovery

The Use of Human Fresh Tissues in the Drug Discovery Pipeline

Demonstrating efficacy and safety

Human fresh tissue can be used in all phases of drug discovery programs, from target validation to clinical trouble shooting.

Drug discovery phases

Drug Discovery Phases

Join our human tissue supplier network

We are investing in our tissue network to meet the growing safety and efficacy requirements of drug development programs and medicine regulators around the globe.

Help us bring new medicines to the clinic


Clinical Laboratory Services and Precision Medicine

Laboratory services specialising in human biospecimens and AI-driven data analysis.

Clinical Laboratory Services

We coordinate, process, test, and analyze a range of fresh human biospecimens to meet the demands of your clinical research.

See our range of GCLP services

REPROCELL Sara in stem cell clinical lab


Machine learning platform for rapid identification of the features driving variation in patient outcomes — streamlining the development of effective patient stratification strategies.

Learn how AI can reveal new insights from your data


Contact our experts