Human tissue testing stands as an indispensable element in the realm of drug discovery and development, serving as a cornerstone for evaluating the safety and efficacy of pharmaceuticals destined for human consumption. Human data holds paramount importance in forecasting clinical success, as positive outcomes within human test systems can substantially enhance the commercial potential of drug candidates.
Genuine 3D cell culture, simply and routinely
Cells grown in Alvetex® maintain their in vivo morphology, behaviour and responsiveness within an in vitro model system.
To better translate preclinical data to the clinic, researchers turn to our contract testing services in human fresh tissues or engineered 3D human tissues.
REPROCELL's 3D bioengineered human tissues, produced using Alvetex®, complement our fresh tissue assays by accurately recapitulating human biology in longer duration experiments, allowing investigations into mechanisms that are key to many drug targets including fibrosis, wound healing and epithelial barrier disruption.
Our human tissue models are also useful for testing other substances including chemicals, consumer products, cosmetics and pollutants.