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Genomic Services


We offer a wide range of accurate and cost-effective preclinical molecular services

REPROCELL Bioserve's genomic services complement our Global biorepository of human tissue samples. We also offer our services for any project.

We specialize in smaller to mid-size projects, providing intensive customer service from assay design to data delivery and discussion with you about your experiment results.


Accelerating breakthroughs in genetics, drug discovery, biomarker research, and molecular diagnostics.

Discover REPROCELL Bioserve

Next Generation Sequencing

Discover genetic biomarkers and investigate genetic variability in drug metabolizing enzymes.

Ion Torrent™ NGS applications for cancer research, pharmacogenomics, inheritable diseases, autism, dementia, and more.

  Next Generation Sequencing

Ion Torrent next generation sequencing (NGS) System

Real-Time PCR (qPCR)

Real-time PCR measures amplification of DNA/RNA at every cycle enabling quantitative measurements during the exponential phase of PCR. REPROCELL utilizes Applied BioSystems ViiA 7™ real-time PCR instrument for various services.

  Real-Time PCR (qPCR)

Scientist using RT-PCR equipment

Nucleic Acid Extraction

We have over 25 years of experience with genomic DNA and RNA isolation from nearly all biomaterials.

Samples are quantitated by optical density. Quality of DNA is determined through electrophoresis. RNA quality control checks are performed through Agilent’s Bioanalyzer.

  Nucleic acid extraction


Biomarker Discovery and Validation

Our in-house expertise in genotyping assay design, oligonucleotide synthesis and SNP validation enable us to deliver accurate data, quickly and cost-effectively.

We specialize in smaller to mid-size genotyping projects using Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR), providing extensive customer service from assay design to data delivery and discussing your experiment results.

  Biomarker discovery and validation


A snapshot of our current genomic services

DNA and RNA Extraction
  • Whole Blood, Blood Clots, Mouthwash, Buffy Coats, FFPE, Serum, Buccal Swabs, Tissues, Saliva, and more
  • Non-organic reagents
  • Column-based capabilities
  • Custom-developed protocols
  • Multiple Quality control practices
    • Gel check, OD 260/280, TaqMan, pico green quantitation
  • Tissues, Whole Blood, PAXgene tubes
Real-Time PCR
  • Gene expression (mRNA) analysis
  • DNA quantitation
  • SYBR green qPCR analysis
  • Micro RNA (miRNA) analysis
  • Genetic variation analysis
    • SNP detection
    • Pharmacogenetic mutation analysis
    • Copy number variation analysis
  • Mutation detection
  • Biomarker validation
  • Stemcell technology karyotyping assay
  • hPSC score card assay
Biomarker Discovery & Validation
  • Identification of predictive and prognostic biomarkers
  • Secondary analysis to identify predictive markers
  • Validation of predictive or prognostic markers using a secondary method
  • Design assays/panels that can stratify clinical trial subjects
  • Evaluation of biomarker performance in a target population
  • Utilize validated gene panels for discovering biomarkers
  • Perform discovery and analysis using available biorepository samples
Next Generation Sequencing
  • Sequence analysis using off the shelf panels
  • Custom gene panel design
  • Custom sequence analysis for clinical trials
  • ctDNA isolation
  • ctDNA sequence analysis
  • RNA sequencing (RNAseq)
  • Whole exome sequencing

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