Innovation Unleashed: REPROCELL's Q1 Recap and Insights
13 July 2023
REPROCELL had a productive first quarter of 2023-24, launching new services, winning grants, and publishing research. Find out more in our news release.
End of Q4 update from REPROCELL (2022-23)
04 May 2023
Did you know that REPROCELL is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year? If you missed the commemorative letter from our CEO you can find out more here.
Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of REPROCELL: A letter from our CEO Chikafumi Yokoyama
28 February 2023
On February 26 2023 REPROCELL celebrated its 20th anniversary. In this letter, the company CEO reflects on the history of REPROCELL to the present day.
End of Q3 update from REPROCELL (2022-23)
12 December 2022
The final months of 2022 have brought new collaborations, partnerships, and successes to enrich your stem cell and drug discovery research.
End of Q2 update from REPROCELL (2022-23)
03 October 2022
Read the end of Q2 update from REPROCELL for the financial year 2022-23. Discover the latest website updates, blog, and news updates.
REPROCELL will participate at the Biotechgate Digital Partnering Event.
21 April 2021
This is announcement REPROCELL USA and REPROCELL Europe will be attending Biotechgate Digital Partnering 2021.
REPROCELL Becomes VIP Supplier on Biotech Marketplace
10 December 2020
Find out about how REPROCELL, an industry leader in the use of human biospecimens for medical research has achieved VIP supplier status on
Appointment of New Distributor in Thailand
04 November 2019
Read about the REPROCELL groups distributorship agreement with A.N.H. Scientific Marketing Co. Ltd. to distribute REPROCELL’s products and services in Thailand
PRESS RELEASE: Axion BioSystems make REPROCELL a product distributor
28 August 2019
Axion BioSystems has announced REPROCELL as the new distributor of its Maestro products in Japan. Read the official Press Release at
Appointment of New Distributor in China
01 February 2019
The REPROCELL group has signed non-exclusive distributorship agreement with RUITAI Biotechnology (Shanghai) Ltd to distribute REPROCELL’s group products in China.