End of 2023 Newsletter
15 December 2023
Discover the latest advancements in stem cell and drug discovery research at REPROCELL. From GMP MSC production to Pharmacology-AI services, explore how REPROCELL is revolutionizing the field. Stay updated with their collaborations and partnerships for precision medicine and clinical capabilities.
Simplifying AI data analysis for scientists – as REPROCELL, IBM and STFC Hartree Centre successfully launch Pharmacology-AI platform
01 June 2023
REPROCELL has collaborated with HNCDI to create a machine learning (ML) platform that simplifies and accelerates the analysis of big data from drug development studies.
REPROCELL co-author paper with IBM showcasing a novel ML driven precision medicine strategy for drug development
08 March 2022
Read how REPROCELL and IBM developed a novel Machine Learning driven precision medicine strategy for drug development.
UK Government’s science and innovation audit highlights REPROCELL’s work in precision medicine
14 March 2019
Wave 3 of the UK Government’s science and innovation audits (SIAs) have been published today, identifying a number of strengths in different industries across the country — including precision medicine innovation in Scotland, led by the University of Glasgow.