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End of Q2 update from REPROCELL (2022-23)

We're halfway through the financial year and there are only three months left in 2022. Time is racing but REPROCELL has managed to pack in a lot since our last update, including three conferences and the launch of our clinical laboratory services in Europe. Here is a list of everything else we've been up to since the start of July:

  1. Bioserve India granted NABL accreditation in the field of Genomics Testing [PRESS RELEASE]
  2. Preclinical studies by REPROCELL give COPD drug a final boost before clinical trials [NEWS POST]
  3. REPROCELL, IBM and STFC harness the power of AI in drug discovery and precision medicine [PRESS RELEASE]
  4. How human fresh tissue models are helping RCD405 achieve regulatory approval [BLOG]
  5. Everything you need to know about the 5-HT2B receptor [BLOG]
  6. Cardiovascular safety pharmacology studies in human fresh tissues [BLOG]
  7. REPROCELL: What makes our biobank stand out? [BLOG]
  8. Protocol for PBMC isolation from buffy coat samples [BLOG]
  9. Protocol for buffy coat preparation from whole blood [BLOG]
  10. What is PBMC? The peripheral blood mononuclear cell compartment [BLOG]

If you have any questions about our products and services please don't hesitate to contact us.

16SEP22 David and Tim SPSS 2022Our Head of business for drug discovery (left), Tim, and European CEO (right), David, at SPS 2022 in Canada. 

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