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What are the advantages of an internship to employers?

By Zara Puckrin, BSc
Image showing three smiling scientists standing in front of a REPROCELL sign

The current job market is a confusing, intimidating place for both employers and applicants. Internships are an excellent opportunity to access future talent at an early stage, and also present a range of additional benefits. In this post, we will describe 4 ways that hiring an intern can benefit your team and business.

Interns bring enthusiasm

The most invaluable trait that the next generation of workers can offer is enthusiasm. Not yet disillusioned by the 9-to-5 grind, interns possess drive and ambition which cannot be learned – and they can reawaken that child-like enthusiasm within other employees too.

Interns are in touch with current technologies

Fresh out of university, interns possess an academic education in the most recent technological advances in your industry – from AI, to CRISPR gene editing, precision medicine, and social media. 

These digital natives grew up during the advent of word-processing, the internet and social media, gifting them the ability to intuitively explore new technologies with relative ease compared with digital immigrants – meaning they can help you to work smarter, instead of harder.

Our summer intern Jennifer coded a macro for our tissue spreadsheet in Excel, improving its user-friendliness, meaning the tissue team could maintain their databases more efficiently. And one of our MSc students Sazzadur confidently worked in Java Script and binary to create an entire platform for our precision medicine services.

Sean Scroggie REPROCELL Precision Medicine Intern

Interns can increase team productivity

Working for a SME can be exciting and fast-paced, but it also means you have limited time to complete back-burner tasks: those which aren’t urgent but are necessary and laborious. One of the benefits of hiring an intern is that much of this type of work can be given to someone without a large amount of experience in your field.

Think updating spreadsheets, archiving documents, writing blog posts, and helping to organize the hospitality for large company events. Interns allow your skilled staff to focus on more difficult tasks, while checking those small, niggling tasks off  busy to-do lists.

Jennifer REPROCELL Scottish Life Sciences intern

Interns are the future of your company

Interns represent the future workforce and therefore the future of your company, so it pays to hire them while they are still studying. Being able to recruit talent before they are actively job seeking is one of the major benefits of hiring interns.

Employment opportunities at REPROCELL are listed on our Careers page. You can also  follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter, so that our latest information can come to you.

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