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REPROCELL can now predict oral bioavailability in fresh IBD tissue

Glasgow, UK: REPROCELL (Biopta) today announced that they can predict test article permeability using gastrointestinal (GI) resections from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) donors. This service, which is first of its kind to market, will allow ADME/DMPK scientists to estimate compound permeability in living human IBD tissue.

“Correct prediction of test article absorption is key if efficacy is to be demonstrated accurately in the clinic,” says Graeme Macluskie, Head of R&D at REPROCELL (Biopta)  “With this new service, we can provide our clients with increased confidence going into first-in-man studies.”

Benefits of this new service include the ability to:

  • Accurately predict drug absorption before first-in-man trial
  • Provide proof-of-concept in diseased GI tissue
  • Reduce the risk of clinical failure
  • Trouble-shoot clinical issues in a relevant pre-clinical system

Studies predicting GI bioavailability in human IBD tissue will be available from January 2020. For more information on this service, please visit the REPROCELL drug discovery assay catalogue or download our Ussing services brochure.

About REPROCELL: REPROCELL (Biopta) are world leaders in fresh human tissue research, with over 17 years’ experience in this unique field. We have worked with 24 of the top 25 Pharma companies globally to provide translation preclinical data of the highest standard. You can find out more about our predictive drug discovery assays on our website.

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