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iMatrix-511 SILK Stem Cell Culture Substrate


Brand: iMatrix

An alternative iMatrix-511 that is xeno-free, recombinant Laminin-511 E8 Fragment expressed in silkworm for promoting adherence and culture of human iPS cells.


Product name Product code Pack size Price Price (USD) Price (GBP) Price (EUR)
iMatrix-511 SILK Stem Cell Culture Substrate NP892-021 175 μg × 6 tubes (select above) $ 436.00 £ 400.00 € 440.00

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Product Information

An alternative iMatrix-511 that is xeno-free, recombinant Laminin-511 E8 Fragment expressed in silkworm for promoting adherence and culture of human iPS cells. iMatrix-511 SILK is similar in performance, but lower in cost relative to NP892-011.

iMatrix-511 SILK is a highly purified and refined laminin-511 E8 fragments, produced in Silkworms.

iMatrix-511 SILK features make it an ideal matrix for pluripotent stem cell culture:

  • Promotes greater stem cell adhesion than all other matrix proteins that have been tested
  • Easy to use (liquid format)
  • E8 fragments retain integrin binding specificity and capacity, and display higher potency than natural Laminin-511
  • Equivalent performance, but lower cost than the legacy iMatrix-511 product

Laminin is localized to the basement membrane and plays a key role in cell adhesion and proliferation. Laminin-511 (α5, β1 laminin) binds to integrin α6β1 to promote cell signaling. Laminin-511 provides an ideal matrix for the proliferation of a wide variety of cell types including stem and iPS cells.

 iMatrix-511 SILK  is functionally equivalent to iMatrix-511 (Cat. No. NP892-011). The only difference is the expression system used for bioproduction. The iMatrix-511 SILK product is produced in recombinant silkworm cocoon, while iMatrix-511 is produced in CHO-S cells. Both are E8 fragments that have been purified using the same processes.

Matrixome company name and logo and iMatrix brand name are the property of Matrixome Corp., Japan.

Product Name: iMatrix-511 SILK Stem Cell Culture Substrate

Catalog Number: NP892-021

Size: 6 × 175 µg

Molecular Weight: 150 kDa

Purity: > 95 % pure

Formulation: Purified Laminin-511 E8 proteolytic fragment

Storage and Stability: Store at 4 °C and protect from light exposure. Stable for 2 years from the manufacturing date.

Concentration: 500 µg/mL

Source: Silkworms

Quality Control: Integrin binding Kd < 10 nM

Sterility: Sterile

Notice To Purchaser: REPROCELL is a licensed distributor of Matrixome cell culture substrates to the global market.

Recommended Usage: iMatrix-511-SILK is suitable for use as a substrate for the culture of various cell types, including ES/iPS cells.

Manufacturer: Matrixome Corporation (Japan)

Safety Data Sheet:

Specifications Sheets:

Product Flyer:

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  8. Miyazaki T. et al. "Laminin E8 fragments support efficient adhesion and expansion of dissociated human pluripotent stem cells." Nature Communications 3: 1236 (2012).
  9. Taniguchi Y. et al., "The C-terminal region of laminin β-chains modulates the integrin-binding affinities of laminins." J. Biol. Chem.284 (12): 7820-31 (2009).
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