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REPROCELL Europe’s CEO Dr David Bunton presented at NC3Rs workshop: Human tissue models for cancer research

REPROCELL Europe’s CEO, Dr David Bunton presented at the recent NC3Rs meeting on the use of human tissues in cancer research. The conference considered the potential for human tissue models to help reduce clinical drug attrition and provide more relevant models of cancer using techniques such as 3D models, PDX systems and precision-cut tumour slices. Chaired by Professor Gareth Thomas of the University of Southampton, presentations were delivered from, among others, Professor Will Shu and Dr Nick Lesley, who described developments in 3D bioprinting of tumours, and Dr Phil Quinlan of the UKCRC Tissue Directory.

About the NC3Rs

The UK’s NC3Rs (National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research) leads the discovery and application of new technologies and approaches to replace, reduce and refine the the use of animals for scientific purposes. They fund research, support training and development, and stimulate changes in policy, regulations and practice. Primarily funded by UK Government, the NC3Rs is also supported by the charitable and private sectors.

Find out more about the NC3Rs:

A review of the NC3Rs Workshop

In a review of the NC3Rs Workshop, the UKCRC’s Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre notes that:

Dr David Bunton from REPROCELL highlighted that only 1 in 10 new drugs achieve FDA approval and in fact only 1 in 20 cancer drugs pass, indicating that we need better cancer models. Many compounds are also still ineffective in a high percentage of patients. He utilises precision cut slices for research which are organotypic but remain reliant on important factors for tissue culture. His team are using these to dissect precision medicine – for example some patients don’t respond to standard therapies, but his team can stratify based on a high or low response.

Find out more about the UKCRC (UK Clinical Research Collaboration)’s Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre: