The REPROCELL Group announces publication of a paper on its state-of-the-art RNA Reprogramming technology in Human Gene Therapy, an international journal
- Company: REPROCELL,Inc. (JASDAQ Company code: 4978)
- Representative: Chikafumi Yokoyama, PhD
- Contact:
Group affiliate Stemgent Inc. (US) is pleased to announce the publication of a paper on state-of-the-art iPS cell production technology, entitled “RNA Reprogramming,” that was written collaboratively with the Whitehead Institute (USA), an outside institute of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) that conducts genetic research. The paper was published in Human Gene Therapy, a scientific journal that is internationally recognized for its authority in the field of gene therapy.
Although the Group has already commercialized and started selling RNA reprogramming kits that use this technology, the paper’s publication demonstrates how the core technology’s leadership and superiority have won high praise from an objective academic point of view.
RNA reprogramming that creates iPS cells can ensure a high level of safety that is also linked to regenerative medicine, because it does not use viruses or DNA that can cause cancer. It also enables iPS cell generation at an efficiency ratio 100 to 1000 times higher than traditional methods. In addition, the new RNA reprogramming kit that the Company began selling on June 30, called Self-Replicative RNA, can greatly reduce the labor needed to make cultures, dramatically enhancing the work efficiency of researchers. It has been very well received by researchers in research institutions and pharmaceutical companies.
The Company’s RNA reprogramming technology, highly evaluated for both its scientific and practical aspects, is one of the core technologies that supports the breakthrough of our Group. We are also working to further improve our technical capabilities in the future.
- Paper published in Human Gene Therapy (October 1, 2015) – “Efficient Reprogramming of Human Fibroblasts and Blood-Derived Endothelial Progenitor Cells Using Nonmodified RNA for Reprogramming and Immune Evasion” Poleganov MA, Eminli S (Stemgent technology research group leader), et al.
- Stemgent, Inc. – Stemgent (a REPROCELL Group company) manufactures and sells iPS cells for research reagents. With a strong research network with Harvard and MIT, the company is a leading-edge iPS cell reagents supplier in the United States.
- RNA – RNA is read primarily from DNA, and consists of nucleic acids that form a blueprint for protein synthesis
Stem cell and drug discovery scientists around the world are using our services and products in their preclinical and clinical research.