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Notice of formation of contract with FANCL Corp. for human iPS cell-derived model cell development

Today, REPROCELL announces the formation of a technology development agreement and entrustment contract with FANCL Corp. (headquarters: Naka-ku, Yokohama; CEO: Kazuyoshi Miyajima; henceforth, FANCL) for the development of a 3D model system derived from human iPS cells.

1. Details of entrustment contract

As per this contract, FANCL will develop a multi-component cell culture model system derived from human iPS cells in collaboration with REPROCELL and employ the technology to focus on anti-aging drug development. FANCL researches, develops, manufactures, and sells cosmetics and nutritional supplements; in the future, FANCL will use the cell technology to advance its basic research and product development.

Human iPS cells hold great promise not only for regenerative medicine, but as a tool for product development applicable to a variety of fields. A key strategy of REPROCELL is to apply the accumulated corporate human iPS cell know-how to development innovative tools for use in a variety of medical and other business applications.

2. Schedule

Date of contract formation and business start date: November 16, 2016

3. Partner overview

  • Name: FANCL Corp.
  • Location: 89-1 Yamashita-chou, Naka-ku, Yokohama
  • Name & position of representative: Representative Director and President/CEO Kazuyoshi Miyajima
  • Business activities: Research, development, manufacture, and sales of cosmetics, supplements, and health foods
  • Capital stock: 10,795,000,000 yen
  • Date founded: August 18, 1981
  • Major stockholders and percentage of stock held: KI Corp. (13.05%); Kenji Ikemori (8.76%)
