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Launch of New Testing Service of Identification for Covid-19 Variants

We are pleased to announce that on Tuesday 6th April 2021, REPROCELL launched a new testing service for the identification for Covid-19 variants using the Allplex SARS-CoV-2 Variants I Assay (referred to below as Allplex) manufactured by Seegene Inc. (South Korea). This will be offered in addition to full screening test for Covid-19 using cutting-edge SmartAmp technology that REPROCELL launched on March 1st 2021.

Our new Covid-19 testing system will comprise a first PCR screen with SmartAmp technology to detect all variants and a second screen of all positive samples with Allplex technology to detect specific variants.

Allplex can simultaneously detect the HV69/70 del mutation found in the UK variant, the E484K variant found in both the South Africa and Brazil variants, and N501Y detected in all three variants. The Allplex testing system uses a PCR technology, that has a significantly higher throughput than the other more widely used gene analysis systems.

Several variants of Covid-19 are more contagious and are spreading widely around the world. Being more dominant, they are replacing the original variant. Some of these variants are reported to weaken the efficacy of vaccines. We hope that our high throughput Covid-19 identification service will contribute to the efforts in ending the Covid-19 pandemic.